

  1. preprint
    Diffusion Cocktail: Fused Generation from Diffusion Models
    Liu, Haoming, Guo, Yuanhe, Wang, Shengjie, and Wen, Hongyi
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.08873 2023


  1. WWW
    Distributionally-robust Recommendations for Improving Worst-case User Experience
    Wen, Hongyi, Yi, Xinyang, Yao, Tiansheng, Tang, Jiaxi, Hong, Lichan, and Chi, Ed H
    In Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022


  1. Thesis
    User-aware Recommender Systems: Algorithm and User-interaction Design
    Wen, Hongyi
    Cornell Theses and Dissertations 2021
  2. arXiv
    Evaluating Music Recommendations with Binary Feedback for Multiple Stakeholders
    Stoikov, Sasha, and Wen, Hongyi
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.07692 2021
  3. arXiv
    Correcting the User Feedback-Loop Bias for Recommendation Systems
    Pan, Weishen, Cui, Sen,  Wen, Hongyi, Chen, Kun, Zhang, Changshui, and Wang, Fei
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.06037 2021
  4. JMIR mHealth
    mPulse Mobile Sensing Model for Passive Detection of Impulsive Behavior: Exploratory Prediction Study
    Wen, Hongyi, Sobolev, Michael, Vitale, Rachel, Kizer, James, Pollak, JP, Muench, Frederick, and Estrin, Deborah
    JMIR Mental Health 2021
  5. JMIR mHealth
    The digital marshmallow test (DMT) diagnostic and monitoring Mobile health app for impulsive behavior: development and validation study
    Sobolev, Michael, Vitale, Rachel,  Wen, Hongyi, Kizer, James, Leeman, Robert, Pollak, JP, Baumel, Amit, Vadhan, Nehal P, Estrin, Deborah, and Muench, Frederick
    JMIR Mental Health 2021


  1. RecSys
    Revisiting adversarially learned injection attacks against recommender systems
    Tang, Jiaxi,  Wen, Hongyi, and Wang, Ke
    In Fourteenth ACM conference on recommender systems 2020
  2. RecSys
    Podrecs: Workshop on podcast recommendations
    Chen, Ching-Wei, Yang, Longqi,  Wen, Hongyi, Jones, Rosie, Radosavljevic, Vladan, and Bouchard, Hugues
    In Fourteenth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems 2020
  3. PloS One
    Identifying emerging mental illness utilizing search engine activity: A feasibility study
    Birnbaum, Michael L,  Wen, Hongyi, Van Meter, Anna, Ernala, Sindhu K, Rizvi, Asra F, Arenare, Elizabeth, Estrin, Deborah, De Choudhury, Munmun, and Kane, John M
    Plos one 2020
  4. Sci. Rep.
    Using behavioral rhythms and multi-task learning to predict fine-grained symptoms of schizophrenia
    Tseng, Vincent W-S, Sano, Akane, Ben-Zeev, Dror, Brian, Rachel, Campbell, Andrew T, Hauser, Marta, Kane, John M, Scherer, Emily A, Wang, Rui, Wang, Weichen,  Wen, Hongyi, and Choudhury, Tanzeem
    Scientific reports 2020


  1. RecSys
    Leveraging post-click feedback for content recommendations
    Wen, Hongyi, Yang, Longqi, and Estrin, Deborah
    In Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems 2019


  1. RecSys
    Exploring recommendations under user-controlled data filtering
    Wen, Hongyi, Yang, Longqi, Sobolev, Michael, and Estrin, Deborah
    In Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems 2018


  1. CHI
    Float: one-handed and touch-free target selection on smartwatches
    Sun, Ke, Wang, Yuntao, Yu, Chun, Yan, Yukang,  Wen, Hongyi, and Shi, Yuanchun
    In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2017


  1. CHI
    Serendipity: Finger gesture recognition using an off-the-shelf smartwatch
    Wen, Hongyi, Ramos Rojas, Julian, and Dey, Anind K
    In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems 2016
  2. CHI
    Investigating effects of post-selection feedback for acquiring ultra-small targets on touchscreen
    Yu, Chun,  Wen, Hongyi, Xiong, Wei, Bi, Xiaojun, and Shi, Yuanchun
    In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2016