Hongyi Wen

(pronounced as: HongE When)


🏢S712, Qiantan Campus

I’m an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at NYU Shanghai. Prior to that, I received my Ph.D. in Information Science from Cornell University, where I was fortunate to be advised by Deborah Estrin. I hold a B.Eng in Computer Science from Tsinghua University.

My research interest lies in developing human-in-the-loop machine learning systems and improving long-term values of personalizations. I lead the Multimodal Accessible Personalization Systems (MAPS) research group at NYU Shanghai. Our recent work focuses on Recommender Systems, Generative Models and their applications in Learning and Creativity.

📢 I’m looking for PhDs and undergrads to join our research group. Check our PhD program and contact me at hongyi.wen@nyu.edu if you are interested in the following topics:

  • Fairness, Robustness and Privacy in Recommender Systems (focus on ML and Optimization)
  • Personalizing Generative Language/Vision/Music Models (focus on ML and System Development)
  • Personalization in Education and Health (focus on System Development and HCI)

selected publications

(see full list here)
  1. preprint
    Diffusion Cocktail: Fused Generation from Diffusion Models
    Liu, Haoming, Guo, Yuanhe, Wang, Shengjie, and Wen, Hongyi
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.08873 2023
  2. WSDM
    GEMRec: Towards Generative Model Recommendation
    Guo, Yuanhe, Liu, Haoming, and Wen, Hongyi
    Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining 2024
  3. WWW
    Distributionally-robust Recommendations for Improving Worst-case User Experience
    Wen, Hongyi, Yi, Xinyang, Yao, Tiansheng, Tang, Jiaxi, Hong, Lichan, and Chi, Ed H
    In Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022
  4. RecSys
    Revisiting adversarially learned injection attacks against recommender systems
    Tang, Jiaxi,  Wen, Hongyi, and Wang, Ke
    In Fourteenth ACM conference on recommender systems 2020
  5. RecSys
    Leveraging post-click feedback for content recommendations
    Wen, Hongyi, Yang, Longqi, and Estrin, Deborah
    In Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems 2019
  6. RecSys
    Exploring recommendations under user-controlled data filtering
    Wen, Hongyi, Yang, Longqi, Sobolev, Michael, and Estrin, Deborah
    In Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems 2018
  7. CHI
    Serendipity: Finger gesture recognition using an off-the-shelf smartwatch
    Wen, Hongyi, Ramos Rojas, Julian, and Dey, Anind K
    In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems 2016